

the accelerated rate of transformation

A three, six or nine week fitness and nutrition intensive program including daily stability, mobility, strength and metabolic conditioning programmed specifically for you to jump start your life long goals.

Q. Is this workout just another cookie cutter weight loss program?

A. No, you will have an individualized program based on your level, your skills, and your strength. Remember, we are here for you to achieve your goals.

Q. What if I'm out of shape?

A. This program will improve your strength, mobility, and endurance. We will teach you how to properly execute the exercises whether you're new to training, or have been training forever.

Q. What do I eat while I'm on the ärt program?

A. You will receive an informational packet full of how to eat, what to eat, what not to eat & why, and a food journal. You will be accountable for everything you eat and drink.

Q. What if I have limitations from previous injuries and can't perform the exercises?

A. You will learn how to move your body correctly, free from impingement and pain. You will also learn how to lift objects correctly. All specific limitations can be accommodated.

Q. How do I stay motivated?

A. You will work very hard, and like it. You'll work in small groups and are in it together.

Q. What kind of commitment am I looking at?

A. This is an everyday, same time commitment. You will have homework during the week as well. You will commit to 3-9 weeks and meet Monday-Friday.

Q. Why should I do the ärt program?

A. This program will cause to you accomplish things you never imagined. It will teach you an excuse free lifestyle, and your results will be based on adherence. This is a decision you won't regret and This. Will. Change. Your. Life.

Are you ready?